More stuff from my bench.
I am becoming comfortable with my new job and so I am making more time to pursue my painting skills.
The Green Team
This is the "green team"; the set of figures that have been sitting unpainted for over a year. I primed them with a bunch of others and left them. Only recently did I begin painting again, and these were slapped and group in the green-paint themed set.
The green set is at the faaaaaar right. |
I think this sculpt really accepted the paints I had very well. |
This is apparently a scout. There's a spyglass at his left hip which you can't see. |
I wish this one had teeth. Looks like a blow-up doll with that pose. I tried painting in teeth with a line of white but it looked weird. |
This guy I gave auburn hair. The green team has the highest incidence of auburn hair in my minis catalog. |
The blank stair of this dude is nice. |
I wasn't sure if the guy was a halfling ... very short and stout. |
Initially I wanted this figure all in greys and blacks but I decided that it was better as a ranger in forest green. Like the others of the green team, I experimented with layers of green paint and washes to make the clothing look worn and faded. |
This is a DnD Minis repaint, I think. Like all of the repaints, including the Reaper Bones figures; the sculpts are very soft. As a result I take extra care in painting in additional details. The wand thing at hand I added some cotton and painted it with green and cast the light against the arm, hair, and body with some of the same green paint. |
Next on the Bench
I've got about 6 Reaper Mouslings to paint.
After that, I've got about 30 repaints for my HeroClix figures and some (about 5 to 10) metal figures in the pulp range. All of those were primed over a year ago and I think it will be a relief when I'm finished.
In storage I'm considering to either continue with the Dunjon of Death figures (all high fantasy sculpts) or to start on my Mythos / Pulp inventory. I'm leaning towards DoD because most of the figures are "The Greenskins"; orcs, goblins gremlins, and kobolds.
I'll think about it more after I finish my repaints.