These are the recent changes to the QSR.
MEST Tactics Edits
I went through several play-tests to scrub them and will promote these changes. I've identified each change
here as well as below:
Bonus Actions - Several tweaks.
The majority of these are simplifications or normalizations of phrasing. In the case of the addition for "+1 MU per 3 more cascades spent", these Bonus Actions ("Push-back", "Disengage", and "Reposition") allow the battlefield to be more dynamic.
- Circle - [ clarification ] terrain must be Clear, and the path can’t be through other models.
- Fiddle - [ new ] If Free Ordered Attentive, perform any Fiddle action if have a carryover for the Attacker Damage Test.
- Reposition - [ correction ] if Free, reposition model up to MOV × 1". Allow +1 MU per 3 more cascades spent.
- Disengage - [ correction ] Allow +1 MU per 3 more cascades spent.
- Push-back - [ correction ] in Close Combat; reposition target away up to the Active model’s base-diameter. Allow +1 MU per 3 more cascades spent.
Passive Player Options - Several tweaks.
Counter-charge! actually is a correction and Wait status already offers more than was had been written before this change.
- Counter-charge! - [ correction, clarification ] Allowed otherwise also during first 1 AP used for Movement if REF is higher than Active model.
- Defend! - [ clarification ] If afterwards no attack can occur, the AP spent is lost.
Other Rules - Several tweaks.
Most of these are small additions to improve theme. Added Durability to create a future hook. It is used by Stun X at the moment. Line-of-Fire is probably uncommon for most game sessions. The change to the Disengage action is because Agility can already be used without cost during reposition.
- Durability - [ addition ] It is the higher of FOR or SIZ.
- Out-of-Play - [ clarification, addition ] In-play and Out-of-play are opposites. A a model is Out-of-play if it is KO'd or Eliminated.
- Line-of-Fire - [ clarification ] LOF may not pass through a model of higher SIZ than the Active model or the target.
- Disengage action - [ DELETE ] remove “If Attentive spend a cascade to use Agility.”
- Leaning - [ limitation ] This is a Fiddle action.
- Confined - [ clarification ] includes Difficult and Impassable terrain
- Friendly Fire - [ clarification ] - LOS to a target is blocked if it passes through the volume of a model of higher SIZ than the Active model or target.
- Keys to Victory - [ clarification ] Elimination - +1 VP if have most Opposing KO’d and Eliminated characters by BP total at game end. Doesn’t include models Bottled.
Traits - Several tweaks
Many small adjustments to the Core rules. For the QSR, this includes Reach X, Fight X, Leap X, and Stun X.
- Reach X - [ DELETE ] remove the part about increasing Melee Range according to the SIZ of the model.
- Pummel X [ addition ] - Receive the Stun trait if the Opposing model is within 1 SIZ of this model.
- Boxer - [ addition ] Receive the Stun trait if the Opposing model is within 1 SIZ of this model.
- Slam X - [ addition ] Receive the Stun trait if the Opposing model is within 1 SIZ of this model.
- Fight X - [ clarification ] When Attentive, for each level of Fight higher than the Opposing character, allow an additional Bonus Action for the Attack action.
- Leap X - [ clarification ] Must be used at either the start or end of a Movement action or reposition.
- Stun X - [ correction ] Uses Durability instead of SIZ and FOR. Effectively the same, just new terminology.
Quick Start Rules [ QSR ] edits - Several tweaks.
These are changes made to the QSR for the 2025 version of those rules. They carry through to the Core rules as well. The prior QSR rules includes some things which are entirely wrong and have been deleted; marked below as [ DELETE ].
- Re-add Endgame Turns - [ correction ] 4-6-8 for Small-Medium-Large games.
- Mail armor options - [ DELETE ] Shouldn't be in the QSR.
- Momentum & Impetus - [ DELETE ] These shouldn't appear within the QSR.
- Surefooted X - [ addition ] Added to the QSR. Added some Archetypes with these as well.
- Weapons - [ addition ] Add Long Axe and Warhammer to QSR
- QSR - [ correction ] phrasing as "... shows Profiles for the sample characters."
- Concentrate with Move - [ DELETE ] It is effectively the same as being in Wait status and using Focus.
Late Changes - 2025-02-25
I simplified and clarified Wait status. First is to remove the limiting requirement to be first be Free. Second is to match how Wait is used with Delay tokens; elsewhere in the existing rules which that if a Delay token is acquired, this removes the Wait status instead.
Late Changes - 2025-02-26
I updated Disengage action by allowing the use of its cascades for a passed Disengage Test to be used with Bonus Actions. This is a huge change, and it encourages thematic behavior. A character can now Refresh and remove a Fear token, or Push-back or Reversal around its target, before using MOV x 1" and repositioning away from harm.
Reach X is modified as well to require the character to be Attentive Ordered to reach across other models.