Friday, September 27, 2013

Repurposing Clix

Busy Busy Busy

This is one of my newest projects.

About two years ago I received for about $10.00 USD around 500 Clix figures; Mechwarrior, Mage Knight, and HeroClix. I also received a mix of D&D Minis for another five bucks. I've been anxious to re purpose them for my own needs.  Since that time I've weeded out about half of the Mage Knight and HeroClix figures.  I've not touched the Mechwarrior figures.  One really cool thing about the Clix figures is that the majority of them are very cheap to get in bulk.  A low-end figure may cost about $0.25 USD and if repainted it can serve as a minion figure. Just a note for the curious; some of the unique Clix stuff out there is crazy expensive like this Arkham Asylum Batman on a post figure that is around $125.00 USD;

The WIP Pics

Here's what I've got in the works.  This is about 50 figures that I'll slap-dash for use with my modern and supers genres among other things.

My spider mob.  These will useful to try out rules dealing with hordes.  If that works well then I'll get some zombies.

Some of the HeroClix.  Poor Wolverine dinna make it; I tried using his arms on another figure but the glue didn't take. This soft-plastic stuff is just too oily.

More of the HeroClix.  You can see US Agent's arm and shield upon ? Blockbuster.  Sad lot.  Anyhow it can be seen that I've rebased the figures on fender washers.  Metallic fender washers ...
I created these a while back.  They are magnets glued to dowels on a stick.  Since I base my figures on those metallic fender washers they stick in place when I apply primer spray.  Favorite color? Black.

Here's a close-up of one of the stands.  I've got space to hold 21 figures.  So I've got a lot of work ahead.  And there's many more figures in old boxes.

Here is the spider horde ready for color. 16 total.

Here's my wargs ready for color. 10 total.

Here's my Clix figures; mostly supers. 50 total.

Here's my 40mm figures. 6 total. Two of these are Mage Knight Blade Golems.

Here's my 120mm figure. 1 total. This is a Fomorian Giant from D&D Minis.

Here's my 50 mm figures. 3 total. These are Craals from D&D Minis.

My precious Berserk Flesh Golem from D&D Minis that aggro84 painted for me looks on approvingly. He yells "Let's paint!"


  1. @styx; Yep. I hope to get these done quickly so that I can get them off my bucket-list. =)

  2. Cool Robert!
    Now dry-brush white and get to work!
