Sunday, October 27, 2013

More WIP's plus More Group Shots 10/27/2013

Here's my latest bunch of WIP's. The Ghoul and the demon look like they could use some more highlights. I finally got around to mostly finishing the vampire finally.

The Group Shots from my last post seemed to be popular on some of the forums I visit, so I thought I would post some more. Here's my completed Undead models thus far.

Completed Chaos Heavies

Light Chaos Fighters

Demons and Monsters

Wizard types

Human Fighters

Human Militia (plus a Halfling)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Some Completed Models 10/20/13

Well almost complete. They still need to be primered.
Unless of course I see something in the photos that starts driving me crazy.

I will post more soon...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Repurposing Clix II-A

Some progress pics on my stuff. Not as nice nor as far along as Aggro's but I'm pleased with the results thus far.  I'm not sure what the original names of the figures are and so I'll just identify them as Wargs and Rock Giants.

Alpha Female is horned. All females have stub tails.

A male; no horns but spiked tail. I washed it blue and then dry-brushed pale blue and then some ochre.

Better lighting.  Most of my shots are at night and so the lighting is very poor.  Mouths were painted red and then dry-brushed teeth white. Painted snouts the same blue as the wash.

A Rock Giant.  Wash with red and then dry-brush ochre and then touch-up with yellow.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Aggro's October Oldhammer WIP's 2013

The move is done, I have returned from vacation, work has slowed down a little and I finally made space for a painting table in the new house.

Nothing is finished yet but at least I am painting again. I tried some more "dip" expirements, however, I am temporarily giving up on the idea. Instead, I have been trying to experiment more with washes and glazes to add depth and interest.

Typically, I try to stay with very earthy, greyed out color schemes.

Any constructive criticism is certainly welcome.