Saturday, December 1, 2012

Scratch-built Buildings Part 5

Exteriors Completed

I finished obsessing over the exterior frames of my four buildings.  You can see earlier progress with my base-coats here in Part 4.  I wanted to have each building interesting and so I chose a theme for each that I hope to carry through-out the painting process when I begin to decorate the building interiors.  Right now the two large and two small buildings are good enough for general game-play.  The interiors are just in case and also for my OCD.

In these series of photos I try to maintain this sequence for each building; corner view, front door, right side, back door, left side.

Large Building A - The Nice One

A thing of beauty!  Rent or buy now!

All of the door knobs are actually tiny pronged fasteners.

I don't show it here but all of the chimneys are painted darker towards the top.

The "Dutch door" at the back is walnut and chestnut.

Windows that peer into separate interior partitions. 

Large Building B - The Legacy Fire

Something unfortunate happened here?

The front door and window are boarded up as a result of an old fire. The building is in poor shape.

This is the back door.

All of the windows are boarded up.
Back of the building.

Small Building A - Just Old

This design has two different exterior paints.
This building has a porch entrance and a side entrance.  Once I get the foundations painted I'll demonstrate the arrangement better.
I was sort of sloppy with the white paint but the effect turned out okay; looks sort of like glass to me. I'll change it soon enough.

Chimney here shows the darker top near the soot. I'm debating making all of my chimneys taller to be more accurate but risk becoming more fragile for transport.

The effective back of the building.
Bonus view!  I like the emerald tiling against the yellow and red.

Small Building B - Squatter's House

Front door and a large window.  Old wood?

These windows peer into a single room.
There is no rear entry way.

Ack.  Tsk.  Boarded up window. We all know what that means; a sure indicator that this is a hang-out for cultists!


  1. Very nice looking! I like that you've made them a bit "run down".

  2. I like them! The burned out house is the best.

  3. Fantastic work. I can see plenty of applications for these buildings!

  4. Looking good Robert. A few small touch ups and you should be good to go.
    Are you still thinking about getting some furniture for them?

  5. @DFlynSqrl; thanks. It was a pleasant accident to apply less paint against the black primer coat. Now I know. =)

    @styx; I'm happy that the effect worked out correctly. =)

    @Gareth the Grot; I agree and I'm pleased that you can see the possibilities as well. Thanks!

    @aggro84; yep. I didn't realize how much more I needed to do for the exterior until I saw this pics in review. I'm going to order some 1/4"-scale (1:48 or 33MM) furniture and see how that works out.

    See here for a preview;

  6. Absolutely fantastic! great work here sir!
