Thursday, November 29, 2012

Scratch-built Buildings Part 4


I've been furiously busy with home + work-life and losing sleep but I got some updates worth showing.  See Part 3 at

The status is that I've got four buildings assembled and I need to paint them.  I sprayed them down with Krylon H20 Black Primer because I'm using pink styrene for my chimneys and foundations.  The Krylon latex primer will not melt the styrene.  I still use matte black primer (not H20) for trouble spots because some areas in my constructs don't take well to the latex such as the doors, windows, the ABR plasti-struct spars, and many areas with the glue-gun glue.

Here's the set of pictures thus far; there will be more soon!

All four buildings and roofs primed with Krylon H20 Black  
Experimenting with base colors.  The technique is to brush downwards from the top of the roof.

The brown roof had a chestnut ink wash stroke  downwards and then a cream paint dry-brush upwards.

The slate roof had a blue ink wash stroke downwards followed by a light gray paint dry-brush upwards.

The emerald roof had a base of gray paint followed by a green ink wash, and then a dry-brush using cream.

One building has a base-coat of cream.

One building has a base-coat of white.

One building had a base-coat of light-yellow. I intentionally left more of the primer appearing above the boarded-up windows to plan for the aftermath of a legacy smoke + fire.

The last building I painted with two different colors.
As an added bonus, my daughter's house has deep purple and orange (not visible) exterior paints.  I'm teaching her the craft. That's her voodoo monkey.


  1. You are starting to shame me to make some buildings now. Making it look too easy! Great work.

  2. @styx; daww. garsh.

    @aggro84; hee hee. You got me started on this madness.
