Monday, August 26, 2013

Gladiator Cards

Ready for PacifiCon

I finished the stat cards for the arena duel characters Friday night. These are associated with the Schleich and Papo 1:18 scale warrior figures.

Just in case any of you are interested in checking them out I've uploaded the latest version for review.  I'm not sure how the PacifiCon event will go for us but I'll be demonstrating game play using them.

Link to Demo cards:

Link to PacifiCon event:
First session at 9:00 AM Saturday.
Second session at 1:00 PM Saturday.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Demo Set IV :: Completed Pillars

I got the pillars completed.  They are good enough for iteration one of the demo.  Perhaps by the next convention I'll have them built up a bit more.  Here's what they look like:

This is after dry-brushing a medium coat of yellow sand. I made sure that some of the base color (grey/black) shown through.  The left column has the cork-paper.

Here I dry-brushed lightly mud near the base and worked up the column.  All for getting more texture.

Next I dry-brush white to bring out the edges of the bases. As always, I let the paint color travel up the columns.

The top 1/6 or so I dry-brushed with with all around.

I'm really bad a photography.  This has the flash on. Once Damon gets me a desert matt you'll see these in proper context.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Demo Set III :: The Pillars

New Task

Now that I've got the Schleich figures based, I began work on the terrain for the arena.  I want to do something simple but re-usable and so I decided to create some pillars.  Here's my progress thus far:

Mailing tubes.  24 by 2 inch.  I plan on cutting them in half to create a total of 12 pillars.

3-inch wood disks.  12 copies.  This is the base.

2.5-inch wood disks. Above the base.

Corkwood adhesive paper.  I have 6 but I should have purchased 12.  grr. Math; how does it work? Miracles!

The base of the 12 pillars.

The tops of the 12 pillars.  Um sloppy so be sure to keep the plastic end-caps.

2.125-inch disks. These are glued to the pillars (tubes) and then to the base.

All of the disks stacked. I make 12 sets.

First attempt to wrap the corkwood paper.

To hide the gap I glue a strip. Here is a pillar set upon the set of disks.

Here's the top.  Apparently a 24 by 2 inch tube is actually 25 inches long and 2.125 diameter!

Here's what one pillar looks like next to the 1:18 scale (90MM) Roman.

And here's the cluster of pillars. Maybe I'll paint them white after I paint them black with primer?

I'm trying out the zenithal technique here; black primer at the bottom, gray at the top.

These shots are at night. Anyhow, this is a lower shot.

Next Steps

Well, I've got to paint them next.  When I return from my LoA I get more done.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Demo Set II :: More Figures

I had purchased about 7 Schleich New Heroes figures for a small demo.  The large 1:18 scale figures will be good for a curious audience.  Then I discovered that maybe at any convention I go to there might be players that would be interested in female characters.  And so I bought more.  With the cheetah, I have 14 figures.

Anyhow, Damon promised that he'd work on some drop-cloth terrain for a sandy arena.  As a result I decided to complete basing all my figures on 3-inch felt moving pads upon 3-inch wood disks.  I glued some wood bark on a few of the bases, primed them and covered them in various shades of yellow and tan.

Coating Stuff

Here's what I got for the figures:

Yep. It's wood.
First coat of tan above black base coat.

I tried to leave bits of black showing. At the left figure you can see the wood bark.
Bright yellow dry-brush upon the tan.
Dry-brush with light tan to tone down the bright yellow.

Same as before.  I don't have a pic but the next step was dry-brush white in spots  and dry-brush tan in even fewer spots.

The Fighters

Minotaur and gladiator.

Cyclops and Spartan.

Medieval figures.  I think the one on the right with the battle-axe is also female.  Hmm.

Dual wielder and Egyptian.

Centaur and Cheetah.

Roman and African

Wildling and Northerner

What's Next

All that is left now is for me to get some simple arena terrain.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

PacifiCon or Bust!

PacifiCon 2013
Damon and I have been working pretty hard to get things ready for PacifiCon.  We've got three tables for two 4-hour blocks on Saturday August 31, 2013 starting from 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM.

The goal is to run two side-by-side Retropocalypse games for 2-4 players for each battleboard.  I'm still working on solidifying the character cards for that genre.  On the third table I intend to do a demo game using Schleich New Heros 1:18 scale figures.  I have about half of the character cards finished, and you can see that here:

As we get more assets ready I'll upload pics here.  You can get a sense of what Retropocalypse is by viewing the crib notes I created for that genre here: